Camp Kirkwood!


On August 30, 2023 we left on the bus to go to Camp Kirkwood. After two hours we got to camp and had a very interesting lunch. After lunch we started unpacking and getting ready for the activities to start! The first activity my group did was low ropes. My classmates and I successfully succeeded with our teachers Mrs. Donnelly and Mrs. Wiliams cheering us on! Once we were done with the low ropes we had some time so we went on the Kanga jump which is a big blob that you can jump on! and played volleyball. Then we switched to our next activity, the pool! At the pool we played moss, hung out, and tried having everyone jump in at the same time! After we played in the pool all of us were tired so we took a rest hour to shower, bond with our cabin mates, braid hair, and rest! When we were done with our rest hour, we went and ate dinner, spaghetti and meatballs. At dinner we celebrated our friend Emmy’s birthday!!! Once dinner was over we had the choice to watch The Lorax or play dodg eball. I chose to watch The Lorax. About a quarter of the way through we had snow cones! Then thirty minutes later all the dodg eball players came in because it was raining hard so the counselors decided to call it a night. We all knew that it was going to storm so we had prepared for the weather. The path to our cabin (cabin two!) was flooded. Our clothes were wet and our socks were stinky so they were hanging off of our beds. We had about two hours till lights out so we talked, showered, and played games! Finally, we went to bed with the rain pounding on the roof!

On the second day, we first went and got breakfast and then started our daily activities. Up first we played board games in the cabin so we could get some rest for the day ahead. After we finished playing board games we went to learn about trees. We learned what is made out of trees and we learned the different parts of trees. When we were finished we got to go eat lunch! Once we were done eating we went on the V-swing. Which turned out to be one of my favorite activities!!! I was ninth in line so I got to watch my classmates go on the swing and for fun while we were watching we started singing songs while our peers were on the swing! One of my favorites was when my friend Louisa went and we said, “Are you ready for it” and then we sang happy birthday since it was her birthday! I also love when they sing  “Getaway car” by Taylor Swift to me! After that we went to the pool and played moss again! Next, we did team building exercises and three of my friends and I decided to play football. When we were playing I was trying to catch the football and I tripped and fell right on my arm! I thought that I was okay but then it started hurting a lot so my teacher Mrs. Donnelly took me to get some ice. Once I got ice we went and got ready for dinner! Next we went to go to the campfire! At the campfire we enjoyed talking to each other and goofing around eating s’mores. About half way through my arm started getting worse and worse so Ms. Ellis and I went and got a splint for my arm. After that there was a lot of Tylenol, reassurance, and  people moving in their sleep. 


The next day was the last day and at eight A.M my advisor Mr. Harris came to our cabin and gave me more ibuprofen. Then we got breakfast and started our  activities. Up first was canoeing and my friends Sophie, Tessa, and Eloise paddled me around. We got back first and won a special high five from our instructor Matt which was fun but also hurt! Next we went zip lining and unfortunately I could not do it but I still had a lot of fun watching and chatting with my friends! Finally, we were done with all of our activities but one so our last one was… Playing with a pig named Bubbles and then playing Gaga! After Gaga we ate our last meal and hopped on our bus back to Durham Academy!

Overall, Camp Kirkwood was very memorable and it was a great trip for meeting new people. I learned that even if plans get ruined or people get hurt, the people around you can change the mood. Especially if you are in the best cabin with the best teachers!!!

2 Comments on Camp Kirkwood!

  1. 30emmaa
    September 27, 2023 at 1:08 pm (8 months ago)

    I like the photos!

  2. 30juliam
    March 6, 2024 at 8:04 pm (2 months ago)

    Sllaaaaaayyyyy rawrrrrrrrr


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