Posts Tagged ‘Lauren Myracle’


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I am a reader. I like to read because it is a great distraction from the stressful things in life. It is also an alternative to TV. Instead of spending hours watching shows or movies. I like to read. I know others read because of school but I love to read either way. For me the best feeling is when it is a cold winter day and I am curled up by the fireplace reading.

My favorite genres are usually romance, fiction, and comedy. I love reading other books too but, whenever I think about what genre book I should get I always think about those three. What types of books do you like to read? Nonfiction? Horror? Mystery?

Right now I am reading Always and Forever Lara Jean by Jenny Han! This book is the third book in the series. When I tell you I love this book I mean it! I love reading books by Jenny Han because I always want to keep reading them. Also most of the books I have read by her have shows or movies about the book. These shows and movies help me dig deeper into the books and help me understand the book better. If you think you would be interested in this book keep in mind it is ages 12 and up and it can get a little inappropriate at times.

Do you have a favorite author? I love reading but I can never pick one. Right now Jenny Han, Kiera Cass, and Lauren Myracle are my favorites. I think the hardest thing about reading for me is picking the book. What I like to do is pick an author and try to read all the books that the author has written. Right now the author I am focusing on is Jenny Han! 

I love reading but it can be hard at times. I think reading is a way of learning new things. I am interested in many different genres of books. Some books I just can’t connect to so I put them down. So if you have any good books you have read please tell me!